Business Made Easier

By integrating innovations and technology, we are making business easier, safer and more efficient. Our goal is to offer solutions for today, while also anticipating our customers' future needs.

Smart robotics and machine learning
icon grow

Enhancing Steel Quality through AI

Smart robotics and machine learning are integrated into our production process to make steel safely and efficiently, all while improving quality and traceability.

Did you know? By 2019, the most automated furnace environment in the world will be located at Gerdau’s very own Petersburg, Virginia mill. With these enhancements, we will improve quality and accuracy of products delivered to our customers.

What Smart Robotics Do For You

Our robots do more than just perform a singular task. They have “eyes”, and learn using laser scans, detectors and sensors. This allows them to adapt and respond instantly to changes in the production environment.

Tagging & Tracking

Tagging & Tracking

Inspect Quality & Identify Defects

Inspect Quality & Identify Defects

Pinpoint Shapes & Size Measurements

Pinpoint Shapes & Size Measurements

Exact Piece Count

Exact Piece Count


Video Area
Gerdau AutoLab
Video Area
Gerdau AutoScan
Video Area
Gerdau AutoTag